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Dog Waste Stations

Owners allowing their dogs to foul pavements and walkways throughout the village has always been a top concern over the years, but one we weren't sure we could affect, short of installing cameras all over the place, or patrolling the streets!


However, the improvement since we purchased and installed three of these Hercules bins on Back Lane, has blown us away!




Sadly, the Council refuse to empty them, and so our Vice Chair volunteered to empty and re-fill them once a fortnight, taking the full bags to the waste recycling centre in Castleford in her own car. 


Not the most pleasant of jobs as you can imagine, and she doesn't even own a dog herself. 


If you are a dog owner and are able to help out with one or more of the bins, please do drop us a line, and hopefully we can spread the load a little more evenly and fairly.


We do have two more bins ready to be installed, but won't be doing so until we have a mini workforce of volunteers to help keep them empty of poo and full of poo bags.



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