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The Aircrash Commemoration

Present at the invite only event on the day, and in situ on Chapel Hill were:


  • Her Majesty’s Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Major Stan Hardy

  • Reverend Adrian Judd, Vicar of Went Vale Parishes which include St Lukes and All saints Church, Darrington 

  • The Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City of Wakefield Metropolitan District – Cllr Stuart Heptinstall and Wakefield Metropolitan District Councillors Clrs David Jones and Cellia Loughran

  • Mr Michael Britton, Chairman, Darrington Parish Council along with members of Darrington Parish Council

  • Inspector Helen Brear – Partnerships’ Inspector, West Yorkshire Police

  • Assistant District Commander, Operations and Training  John Lloyd, West Yorkshire Fire Service and Blue Watch. I have to mention that if there is a call-out, John and Blue Watch will be leaving us speedily and probably quite noisily!

  • Lead Chaplain Brian Chiyesu, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust. 

  • Mrs Lyndsay Ranby and Pupils representing Darrington Primary School

  • And last but ny no means least, Halifax Air Gunner, 158 Squadron, Geoff Towers BEM. He flew – and survived 40 sorties in a Halifax Bomber during the War!


Andy Tagger hosted the event.......was followed by a display of memorabilia and a showing of the video at the golf club and 3 flypasts by a Lancaster bomber!!


The project group commissioned both a video of the day’s events (which can be watched y clicking the link at the bottom of this page), as well as a documentary featuring highlights and interviews and included contributions from both Darrington Primary School and Carleton Community High School.


A Morning service the following day took place in St Lukes and All Saints Church, Darrington, and a specially commissioned sign installed. A commemorative programme was produced and the event on the day included the unveiling of a Commemorative sign right on Chapel Hill. The sign was unveiled by Geoff Towers and two pupils -Wiliam and Theo - from Darrington School. Other Pupils from Darrington school, led by Jayne Rawnsley, worked hard to design, make and present a most appropriate additional contribution to the Commemoration inspired by the ‘There but not There Tommy’ figures that commemorated that year’s centenary of the end of World War 1.


After the unveiling, some wreaths were placed and some of our guests invited to say just a few words.


The whole day and the project itself proved to be immensely moving, educational and enjoyable for so many and it stands out as one of the most impressive achievements of the last few years.



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